Many of us know what it is to live as a struggler.
We want to do what is right, but we don’t.
We don’t want to do what is wrong, but we do.
We decide we need to try harder,
but it becomes even harder than before.
We become tired.
We become discouraged.
We begin to question our love for God and God’s love for us.
Some of us have experienced this as an ongoing cycle in lives.
But, this morning, the cycle does not have to continue.
There is rest available to us.
There is a Rescuer available to us.
Jesus invites us to look at what He has done for us.
All of our attempts and failures,
All of our fits and starts,
All of our strife and struggles,
Lead Us To The Realization That We Need A Savior!
Jesus is not asking us to Save Ourselves.
Jesus is Saving Us From Ourselves.
The Rescuer Is Inviting Us To Rest In What He Has Done For Us.
Rest in the gravity of His Grace.
Rest in the depth of His Love.
Rest in thinking about the Cross.
Rest in the power of His Resurrection.
The cycle stops when we confess that we cannot do what God is asking us to do without Him providing His power.
The cycle ends when we recognize the depth of our desperateness and our need for His strength.
God’s power and God’s strength are available for us today.
God’s grace, God’s mercy, and God’s love are abundant today.
Rest In The Rescuer.
Romans 7:24-25
Oh, what a miserable person I am! Who will free me from this life that is dominated by sin and death?
Thank God! The answer is in Jesus Christ our Lord.
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En God finally puts me to sleep, I will rest in my Saviors arms. Until then, by God's grace, I will work for him to the best of my ability with his power.